Local News 2002/3

Tauranga / Mt Maunganui Windsurfing
New Zealand

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Tuesday 28 January 2003
Andrews Maketu report: -
Saturday Dave S and I went to Maketu. It didn't look too promising as not much surf or wind when I left Papamoa. Arrived to find waist high sets breaking right and left in
front of the estuary mouth and not much wind. The surf looked ok for a mal wave though and the bar works well there on the high tide but crashes a bit more on low. Had a wee surf then the wind came through a bit and got some down the liners for an hour. Dave didn't have such a good day and kept rigging and changing boards at the wrong time to find the wind had dropped or increased when he got back on the water, finishing with a painful walk back over the rocks in the estuary

Monday 27 January 2003
NZ Windsurf Race Nationals
to be held in Wellington 1 Feb - 6 Feb (www.racenationals.co.nz). Apparently their will be TV coverage and rumour has it that one of the Top Pro Windsurfers Micah Buzianis (ranked no 3 in the world www.buzianis.com) will be racing.

Tuesday 21 January 2003
Paul and Rewa have 2 new Starboard Starts and will be teaching people at Kulim Park every weekend during the summer. Contact Mob. 021 1761917

Monday 20 January 2003
The last few weeks has been superb weather for learning, light winds, beautiful hot sunny days and the water has finally warmed up (like bath water at Kulim Park), a couple of days of strong easterlies first in a few months saw everyone harbour sailing and 1 day of good size wave sailing at Papamoa.

Friday 27 December 2002
The last few weeks has seen the odd good coast sailing with excellent sailing conditions at Tay St on Xmas day for the lucky few that got out in the arvo and again on Boxing Day at Papamoa. Photo  below is Andrew at Papamoa Saturday 14 Dec 2002
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Tuesday 10 December 2002
Two interesting new Beginners Boards on display in France called the Exocet Turbo Fomula Boards - the latest in Formula Racing gear due to be released in 2003.   The TF90 (TF stands for Turbo Formula) is short in length at  2.6m (8 '6") long and wide at 90cm.  The TF100 is slightly longer and wider at 2.67m (8'9") and 100cm in width.  Check them out at www.nonosierra.com/id19.htm

Friday 1 November 2002
I was driving past Kulim Park last night after work and saw this windsurfer having a lot of fun
in the 10 -20 knot breeze; his name is Craig Readwood he was not only using very old gear but he is also deaf.  It's great to see the enjoyment people get from windsurfing.  Go Craig.
Photos of Craig

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Monday 26 October 2002
3 days of strong westerlies and small 1-3ft surf Labour Weekend action at Papamoa Beach. Photos of Paul, Andrew, Dave & Kev

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Saturday 19 October 2002
Thursday was perfect cross shore winds and 1-3 ft surf at Papamoa Domain,   Paul and Andrew making the most of the conditions.  Today Andrew scored Maketu 1-2ft and a nice SW breeze. The sandbanks have changed the whole contour of the beach at Maketu making it a lot easier to gybe in the estuary.  Photos: Andrew today at Maketu.

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Wednesday 9 October 2002
Not a breath of wind the last few days and no surf, but it's been good fishing for some. Photo: Rewa with a 2kg Snapper she caught surfcasting of a beach somewhere.

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Sunday  6 October 2002
Saturday  5.5m sail and warm sunny conditions at Fergusson Park with a half dozen windsurfers out, Rewa and Paul managed to collide with each other and Pauls board came out the worst with a 10cm fin gash through the front of the board.  Lucky no body parts were damaged.

Friday 4 October 2002
September was a very windy month according to the Met Service - the windiest on record; and it looks like October will be as well going by the last couple of days for the lucky ones who got out, so dust off all those small sails in the attic.  Photos Fergie Park 3 Oct

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Tuesday 10 September 2002
The Taranaki Wave Classic is on 25-28th October.  For more information, pictures and video clips check out www.taranakiwaveclassic.com

Monday 22 July 2002
The wind gods have been kind to us the last few weekends with sunny conditions and 5.0m sails.  An epic session off the coast - head-high waves and perfect sideshore winds, bump and jump Pilot Bay and Fergusson Park.  The usual hardcore crew out on the water, Dave S with his new Tiga and Gaastra sails, Andrew with his new second-hand Sirocco, and occasionally an out-of-towner.

Monday 17 June 2002
Mid Year Drinks!!!!! Friday 28 June, 5:30pm onwards, Mt Mellicks, 317 Maunganui Rd.

Monday 17 June 2002
Late Saturday arvo the wind came up for a couple of hours for the lucky few that caught it; Taylors Reserve, 4.5m sails and head-high surf, with Kev reportedly bailing on a huge  jump and cracking the nose of his board.

Tuesday 4 June 2002
Starboard are releasing an innovative new design in August, a slalom board, 2.3m (7ft 6") long, 75 cm wide with very deep concaves, sails 5 - 10 m;  read the test report

Monday 3 June 2002
Strong westerlies for the last 2 weeks has seen good sailing conditions at Fergusson Park and Pilot Bay.  Today was another epic day at Fergusson park, midday high tide, 4.0 - 5.0 m sails and sunny conditions and about 10 windsurfers out on the water which is a good turnout for Tauranga.

Sunday 19 May 2002
Techno Cup 2001/02 Summer Series completed after 5 rounds with Rewa finishing second overall.

Friday 10 May 2002
Found an interesting website on young kids windsurfing, one young boy is only 3 years old, has a special kid rig 0.8m sail. Check it out www.windsurfkids.com

Saturday 4 May 2002
It has been a quiet spell the last couple of months with the odd day of wind. Today was the best it's been for quite a while with Paul, Kev, Dean, part-time windsurfer Andrew and Harry, catching strong SW at Fergusson Park, cleaning the dust off our 4.0 - 4.5 m sails.  Rewa, Rod and Dave in the afternoon session but the wind had dropped slightly. Water still reasonably warm with Paul out in a Springsuit. Lets pray for more days like today.

Monday 25 February 2002
Paul and Rewa did a 2 day raid down to Taranaki and had an awesome day on the Monday surfing in the morning at Weld Rd 1-3ft surf and no one else out then an afternoon sail at Waitara, 5-5.5m sails and headhigh surf, with only 6 others out. Photos of Rewa.

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Sunday 24 February 2002
Late in the afternoon a nice 15-20knot SW appeared for the lucky few who caught it. Photos of an unknown off Harbour Drive.

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Saturday 23 February 2002
Tay St, cross-onshore 5.5m sails, headhigh surf, strong current going across the beach, photos of Dave Evans and Dave Stewart.

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Friday 15 February 2002
Andrew sent us some photos of  Dave and Richard Evans and we have now finally got a photo of Dave Stewart, Jan 2nd, Papamoa Beach Boat Ramp.

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Thursday 14 February 2002
Congratulations to Andrew and Rochelle on their arrival of their baby daughter Lily.

Wednesday 6 February 2002
A 20 knt SW and gusts to 30 knts plus, warm 21 C degree water gave everyone a blast on the warm sunny afternoon at Fergusson Park. All the familar faces and a few not seen in a while plus a few new ones came out of the wood work for the busiest session this summer.  Newcomer to the Bay, Jim reportedly had his best session yet in the Bay, small surf , 5.0m sail, no one else out.  First time he has sailed there and had a blast, all the waves to himself and great ramps.  Below photos from Fergusson Park .

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Unconfirmed reports of Mark Arundel and Royce were spotted Pole-surfing today at Fergusson Park.
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Do you recognise this person or equipment?

Friday 1 February 2002
Friday evening saw primo conditions for Tay St with an increasing  SE wind and 1-3ft surf caught everyone by surprise.  Paul, Dave and Justin were the lucky few that windsurfed till dark nicely powered up with 5.5m sails, warm water and nice ramps for jumping.  Further down the coast Kev and Glen had a great session at Taylors Reserve.

Sunday 13 January 2002
Bic have just recently released their new beginners board called the Nova, being very short at  266cm in length (same length as my sinker) and very wide at  94 cm wide, check it out at
www.bicsport.com/uk/boards/nova.htm and they have also released an expert Formula racing board called the Formula which is just about identical in dimensions to the Nova. www.bicsport.com/uk/boards/technoformula.htm

Friday 11 January 2002
Good after work session at Tay St, 5.5m sail, 2-4ft surf, great for jumping,  had by Paul and Jim a windsurfer from Bay of Islands now living in Papamoa, just getting back into it; purchased a new sail and mast 2 weeks earlier, got nailed by the shore break snapping his mast and ripping his mast sleeve - the joys of sailing off the coast.

Saturday 4 January 2002
Swell from the cyclone arrived on Thursday night, Friday a solid 3-4 ft, the wind kicked in about mid afternoon cross offshore at Papamoa Boat Ramp, Richard and Paul went out very gusty and the wind swung more offshore, that evening Kev had one of his best wave riding sessions in a year at Taylors Reserve, 5.2m sail and down the line top to bottom wave riding.  Saturday the swell had died to 2 ft with Andrew, Ian, Dave and a couple of out-of-towners catching a few waves at Papamoa Boat Ramp.

2001 News