Windsurf Spots

Tauranga / Mt Maunganui Windsurfing
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Wave Sailing

Tay Street    Tay Street      Wavesailing or slalom,  NW and   SE is cross-shore, N and E is cross-onshore, gnarly shorebreak when it gets big, any tide

Maketu.JPG (40092 bytes)     Maketu    Wavesailing or slalom,  smaller and more forgiving then Tay St , SW and NE is cross-shore, any tide

Taylors Reserve     Wavesailing or slalom, needs a large swell for decent surf, gnarly shorebreak, W and E is cross-shore, N-E is cross-on and onshore, any tide


Papamoa Beach Boat Ramp     Wave sailing, Large Swells, NW and SE is cross-shore All Tides


Slalom Sailing

Pilot Bay     Pilot Bay        Slalom, Large Chop, SW, W,  NW, All Tides

Kulim Park.JPG (25920 bytes)    Kulim Park    Slalom, Large Chop,  W, NW, N, NE, E, Any Tide
                                                    - (excellent for beginners - can be a long way to carry your

                                                        gear at low tide)

Fergusson Park1.jpg (41193 bytes)    Fergusson Park    Slalom, Large Chop, SW, W, NW, Mid to High                                                           Tide Only
                                                     - (excellent for beginners - sand bank in the middle of                                                             harbour)

Mvc-044f.jpg (73501 bytes)      Sulphur Point Marina     Slalom, Large Chop, W, NW, N, NE,                                                              E, Low Tide
                                                     - beware of sand banks at low tide - extremely shallow


Rotary Park    Slalom, Small Chop, SW, W, NE, High Tide Only


Speed Sailing

Speedcreek    Speed Creek     Flatwater speedbank at low tide, SW, W wind



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